July presents a perfect opportunity to extend your reach in the precision farming industry. The InfoAg 2013 Conference, touted as the leading event in precision agriculture, will be held July 16-18 in Springfield, Ill. The 3-day conference will bring together industry leaders, retailers, researchers and farmers to learn about the latest crop production technologies.
The conference will focus on the application of precision technology and information management for an array of crops. Precision farming dealers will get to see a wide variety of newest cutting edge products and services first-hand.
“At the show will be leaders for precision farming companies and technical specialists that can discuss questions and product features in full detail,” says conference secretary Quentin Rund. “Not only will dealers learn more about the products they sell, but they will be able to brush up on competitive products to learn how their products differ. They will learn excellent information for helping farmers make the right buying decisions.”
Keynote speakers will address topics on how to improve productivity and ensure a bright future for your business operations. Other sessions will cover a range of topics, including the globalization of precision agriculture. “Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are one of the hot topics this year,” says Rund. “We have two sessions on UAVs and another talk on robotics. We will also have sessions on variable-rate planning and data analysis.
Other sessions highlights, according to Rund, include, farmers Brian Watkins and Ken Dalenberg discussing how they’ve implemented precision technology in their farming operations, and professor Terry Brase’s workshops on developing new workers for precision farming.
“This would be a good place for precision dealers to give feedback to teachers training the new workforce,” Rund says.
For full conference information, including registration, speakers and sponsor information, visit http://infoag.org/.