Farm Market iD (FMiD) announced that it is making its data accessible to clients in real-time through the launch of its new API (application programming interface).

The API launch empowers developers with the ability to integrate the Farm Market iD data into their applications and systems.

Now, agribusinesses do not have to manage and maintain the farm, farmer, crop and farm field data. They can integrate various Farm Market iD data, creating automation, and efficiency for their applications and systems.

Many agribusinesses struggle with consolidating grower, marketing and agronomic data from multiple sources. The FMiD API can help companies integrate and access the information they need, when and where they need it in seconds.

To get started, Farm Market iD has created a sandbox environment where any developer can access and test the various capabilities of FMiD’s API framework. Agribusinesses can test and develop using Farm Market iD’s APIs at no cost. Integration is simple and utilizes REST (Representational State Transfer) API architecture which provides the most flexible, scalable and portable approach to APIs.  

Here are a few examples of the types of data available from the Farm Market iD database through the API:

  • Grower Information. Get details for specific growers, including name, address, city, state, zip, phone number, email, gender, owner vs. operator status, and more.

  • Grower Matching.  Send FMiD the contact information for your existing customer or prospect and FMiD will return the best match for that grower in our database.

  • Land by Grower. Get all the land owned and operated by a specific grower.

  • Crop Details. Get crop information for both specific growers and specific pieces of land, segmentable by crop year(s).

  • Crop Rotation. Get crop rotation information for a given piece of land.

  • Grain Bins by Land. Get the grain bins connected to a specific piece of land.

The API can be integrated into farm and grower data directly into your web, desktop and mobile applications for detailed, real-time insights on growers, fields and farm operations.