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Ag Express


On this edition of the Precision Farming Dealer podcast, brought to you by Ag Express Electronics, AgZen CEO and co-founder Vishnu Jayaprakash joins contributing editor Dan Crummett for a conversation about the company’s RealCoverage technology and how it allows farmers to spray more effectively. 

RealCoverage, which works with any generation of sprayer, allows growers to save up to 50% on spraying costs according to the startup company. Jayaprakash explains how the system takes the guesswork out of spraying and pays for itself in one pass.

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Ag Express

The Precision Farming Dealer podcast series is brought to you by Ag Express.

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Ag Express provides services and support for a wide variety of electronic and electro/mechanical devices. We can offer component level repair of an individual customers unit, or, remanufacture and rework hundreds of units for an OEM or an Electronic Manufacturer.  From though hole technology to high population fine pitch surface mount, from simple units to complex industrial units.

Ag Express is 100% employee-owned and celebrating over 30 years of "Providing Possibilities!"


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