Here's a snapshot of some of the key factors currently happening around the world to influence our weather:
1. La Niña conditions have developed in the equatorial Pacific. Although not officially declared a "La Niña" yet due to strict definitions by the meteorology community, La Niña-like warmer, dryer influences on our weather are real.
2. The PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) region of the northeast Pacific remains warm, despite attempts from the atmosphere to cool it down. This has contributed to an enhanced jet stream into the Northern Plains.
3. Waters in the Gulf of Mexico remain very warm ... one of the warmest bodies of water on the planet, in fact. This is contributing to upper level high pressure over the southern Plains and Southeast that has caused heat and dryness. The warmth may also contribute to tropical disturbance development this fall.
4. Warming in the eastern Indian Ocean is helping to promote the transition to La Niña and the warmth in the southern U.S.
5. Upper level low-pressure has established itself in western Canada that has led to continued bouts of thunderstorms and precipitation over the northern Plains and Upper Midwest.
6. Warm waters in the western Pacific have combined with upper level atmospheric conditions to bring ample moisture to parts of southeast Asia.
7. The development of La Nina is also helping to promote drier conditions over the heart of South America. Precipitation in central Brazil and northern Argentina has been well below normal of late.