While settling in last Sunday evening with my wife to catch-up on some dramatic television viewing stored in our DVR, we were interrupted by a restless 5-year-old who was clearly thrown off by daylight savings.

Luckily, we were able to simply hit pause and wait until the sandman greeted our son.

The situation struck me as routine at the time, but afterward I got to thinking about the modern day conveniences that technology provides. One thought that crossed my mind was a comment a precision farming dealer made to me during a visit in Ohio last year.

“I sometimes wish there was a pause button with this industry,” he said. “A lot of times, I feel like it’s just fast-forward.”

With farm technology rapidly evolving, dealers are challenged to stay current with the functions and capabilities offered by products on the market. Sometimes, this means having more questions than answers.

To that end, Precision Farming Dealer expanded its capability to keep precision dealers and technicians in the know with the latest trends, news and products through the new PrecisionFarmingDealer.com website.

In addition to being able to search for archived stories and videos, expect fresh news and updates on the latest in precision farming.

Also featured on the new website are articles, videos and a precision education directory from our first-ever print edition of Precision Farming Dealer, which we also debuted this month.

With both of these offerings, we recognize the need to provide an interactive platform for those invested in the sales, service and support of precision technology.

If I’ve learned anything doing this job, it’s that precision farming isn’t going away. And more than ever dealers could use as many resources as possible to help them, especially when it involves advice or guidance from other dealers experiencing the same successes or headaches.

We’ve tried to listen to what dealers say are some of their greatest challenges and needs to succeed — whether it’s finding additional help or how to expand their precision business reach.

Of course, much like technology, these needs and frustrations will probably change over time. So consider our new website and print edition as the next steps for dealers to keep up on what is relevant today, while keeping an eye toward the future.

We’ll continue to refine and adapt our approach to suit dealerships of all shapes and sizes, because the last time I checked, nobody was manufacturing a pause button for precision farming.