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It seems that almost on a daily basis we hear about another cyber hacking scandal or thousands of consumers’ sensitive information exposed through a data breach.

I admit that I’m increasingly conscious of when, where and with who I share personal information. With data — personal or not — being a highly valuable commodity in today’s world, keeping it safe and secure can be a daunting challenge, especially for businesses.

This is certainly true of precision data farmers are collecting, storing and analyzing. While adoption of data collection tools and methods are on the rise, there is still skepticism within the industry regarding access and ownership of farm data.

But there are safeguards and solutions that dealers can deliver to bolster customer confidence that their farm information will be safe and secure.

In today’s Precision Farming Dealer podcast, brought to you by Farmers Edge, attorneys Lance Formwalt and Todd Janzen discuss common challenges tied to collection, storage and sharing of farm data and how retailers can protect themselves and their customers from liability and loss.

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Precision Farming Dealer's podcast series is brought to you by Farmers Edge.

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Farmers Edge, your partner in providing precision agriculture and independent data management solutions for your customers. Farmers Edge is proud to partner with dealers across the United States to unlock exceptional opportunities for their farm customers. Through innovative technology and field-centric tools, their whole-farm Smart Solution will strengthen your platform and enhance your customer relations. Grow the opportunities for your customers and become a representative for Farmers Edge. Visit us at or call (952) 582-1398.


Intro Music: Squire Tuck - Rush to the Head
Interlude Music: Squire Tuck - Expressing One's Emotions in Public