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While consolidation is a trending part of the farm equipment dealership landscape, plenty of smaller organizations are thriving in the precision farming business.

Historically, the majority of respondents to our annual precision benchmark study are 1-2 store dealerships. This group tends to represent a balance of conservative optimism for revenue projections and a realistic approach to playing to their precision strengths with customers.

I had to opportunity to sit down with Jon Eis, COO and Eric Hagenow, precision farming specialist with Eis Implement, to discuss competitive challenges and advantages of being a single-store John Deere dealership in Two Rivers, Wis.

In today’s Precision Farming Dealer podcast, we share excerpts from my conversation with Jon and Eric covering the origins and expansion of the precision team, operating a nimble department to meet customer needs and the importance of staying true to small-business values.

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Intro Music: Squire Tuck - Rush to the Head
Interlude Music: Squire Tuck - Expressing One's Emotions in Public