The platform offers seamless bi-directional automated synchronization between Connected GeoPard and MyJohnDeere Operations Center, providing users with the latest data and insights.
MyJohnDeere customers can now seamlessly upload their data into the GeoPard system, where they can do an advanced data analysis, compare information to other data sets, and create detailed Variable Rate Application (VRA) maps for seeding, fertilizing and spraying.
Mobile Data Transfer enables customers to wirelessly transfer agronomic data to and from non-John Deere displays and from John Deere’s GreenStar 3 2630 display (in older John Deere equipment that is not JDLink compatible) to the Operations Center.
John Deere introduces the MyJohnDeere Operations Center with intuitive, easy-to-use tools for customers to manage their machinery and develop agronomic insights.
Precision Farming Dealer technology editor Noah Newman catches up with Logan Handsaker for a first-look at Ag Leader's new RightPath system at the 2025 National Farm Machinery Show.
The college offers an associate degree in Applied Science in Agriculture (60 credit hours). Students enrolled in this program may specialize in precision farming technology by selecting up to 15 credit hours in this area and agriculture business, sales and agronomy.
The college offers an AAS in Precision Agriculture and customized precision ag- related training for agricultural producers, insurance underwriters, equipment dealer and agricultural cooperative employees and others.
Offering training on Ag Leader, Trimble, Reichhardt, Norac and Integris Systems in twice yearly customer training events (spring/fall). Also offering individual training opportunities on any HTS Ag products and SMS software, year round.