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The first topic we explore is the customer experience. What is the customer experience? What is the difference between customer support and the customer experience?

Where do you even start when trying to create the customer experience?

Talking with Titan Machinery’s Chief Experience Officer, Jeff Bowman, we take a dive into understanding the concept of the customer experience and begin to define and explore the different elements that make it up.

Jeff even gives us some helpful tips on how to start formulating your customer experience strategy and what it takes to get the internal buy-in to move forward.

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The Planning for a Successful Customer Service Strategy in 2020 podcast series is brought to you by AgriSync.

More from this series

In this series, AgriSync speaks to industry and topic experts about different elements of customer support. Ranging from improving your customer communication to hiring new employees and finding ways to measure customer satisfaction, listeners will be given insights that help elevate their customer service game.

Intro Music: Sounds Like Sander - Join The Parade