Evaluating practical and profitable ways to recover recurring precision service revenue, selling into specialty cropping markets and rethinking a past precision business decision are among the 21 discussion topics that will be featured during 3 sessions of roundtables at the 2020 Precision Farming Dealer Summit, Jan. 6-7 in St. Louis.
These popular opportunities for face-to-face conversations and networking bring attendees to the table to listen, learn and share strategies that will improve their overall precision farming business. During these unique 60-minute sessions, dealers and their teams can choose 1 (or more) of the topics below for informal, candid dialog and exchanges with their precision peers.
With 98.6% of past attendees recommending the Summit for networking and knowledge sharing, 3 sets of interactive, through-provoking roundtables are featured during the 2020 event. In addition, moderators will highlight the top takeaways from each roundtable on the main stage during a 2-minute recap for the entire audience after each set of sessions.
The 2020 roundtable topics and scheduled moderators include:
Monday, Jan. 6 – 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
1. Charging for Precision Service: Per Acre, Per Hour or Per Year?
Moderated by Jamie Brand, Agrivision
2. Battling Burnout: How to Stabilize Your Precision Team
Moderated by Nick Rust, H&R Agri-Power
3. Let’s Talk Autonomy in Ag: When, How & Where
Moderated by Ken Larsen, Vetter Equipment
4. Password Protected: Keeping Dealer & Customer Data Safe
Moderated by Steve Tippery, Realm 5
5. Reboot or Recycle? Strategies for Selling & Servicing Used Ag Tech
Moderated by Jason Pennycook, Johnson Tractor (2012 Dealership of the Year)
6. 5-Year Reset: One Precision Business Decision I’d Rethink & Why
Moderated Jeff Wessels, Frenchman Valley Co-op
7. Tech Troubleshooting: Tips, Tricks & Triumphs
Moderated by Nick Jensen, Lessiter Media
Tuesday, Jan. 7 – 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
8. Roll In or Line Item? Best Ways to Bill Precision Service
Moderated by Layne Richins, Stotz Equipment (2013 Dealership of the Year)
9. There’s an App for That: Latest Tech Tools to Improve Customer Service
Moderated by Chad Colby, Colby Ag Tech
10.Proven Strategies for Selling Precision Online
Moderated by Shawn Skaggs, Livingston Machinery
11. Assessing the Aftermarket Market: Best Bets & Busts for 2020
Moderated by Steve Riddle, DigiFarm
12. Selling Precision Into Specialty Markets: Opportunities or Obstacles?
Moderated by Jayme Paquin, Reichhardt Electronic Innovations
13. For Independent Precision Dealers Only
Moderated by Mitchell Hora, Continuum Ag
14. First Week, Month & Year: What New Hires Need to Know
Moderated by Brittany Kistler, Binkley & Hurst
Tuesday, Jan. 7 – 12:45 – 1:45 p.m.
15. Managing Millennials: Mentoring vs. Mandating
Moderated by David Smith, Livingston Machinery
16. Keeping Your Precision Employees Productive Year-Round
Moderated by Ryan Powell, Ag Info Tech (2015 Most Valuable Dealership)
17. Building My Precision Team’s Brand: Economic, Efficient Methods
Moderated by Jason Behrend, Stotz Equipment (2013 Dealership of the Year)
18. For Precision Managers Only: Let’s Talk Turnover & Transition
Moderated by Scott Meldrum, Van Wall Equipment (2016 Most Valuable Dealership)
19. Downsizing Big Data: Actionable Insights for Selling Agronomic Services
Moderated by Jacob Maurer, RDO Equipment Co.
20. Leveraging Lasting Value from Precision Field Days
Moderated by Jason Leary, Crystal Valley (2019 Most Valuable Dealership)
21. Dialing Into Dollars with Precision Phone Support
Moderated by Jared Ochs, Topcon
Co-located with the 28th Annual National No-Tillage Conference, the 2020 Summit will be held Jan. 6-7 at the historic Union Station Hotel in St. Louis. Among the Title Sponsors making the learning and networking opportunities possible for dealers are Ag Express Electronics, Copperhead Ag, DigiFarm VBN, Laforge Systems, RealmFive, Reichhardt Electronic Innovations, Topcon Agriculture and Yetter Farm Equipment.
For more information, visit www.PrecisionSummit.com and we’ll see you in St. Louis!