Items Tagged with 'precision revenue'


Benchmark Study

77% of Precision Dealers Forecast Revenue Growth in 2024

11th annual Precision Farming Dealer benchmark study reveals mostly positive outlook for new year after significant revenue increases in 2023
Dealers saw an increase in precision farming sales and service revenue in 2023, and most predict the positive trend will continue in 2024 according to the 11th annual Precision Farming Dealer benchmark study.
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John Crumbaugh Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners
Day in the Cab

Using Education, Specialization to Advance Your Precision Business

Who is Combine Specialist John Crumbaugh, and how is he helping spearhead Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners’ plans for the future of precision technology service?
I step carefully out of the passenger side of our rental car and into the humid 80-degree weather. We’re at Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners’ St. Charles, Mo., location, one of their 27 John Deere stores across Missouri and Illinois.
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Precision Outlook: Dealers Shift Focus to Application Hardware, Maintain Need for Training

Training for staff and customers as well as application technology hardware came in as dealers’ top priorities for the future of their businesses
The Precision Farming Dealer 2020 Benchmark Study showed several shifts in dealers’ expectations for their future revenue. Topping the list of revenue sources considered important for growth was application technology hardware, reversing its 3-year downward trend.
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[Technology Corner] A Service-Centric Focus to Precision Sales

While strides have been made establishing precision as a standalone business, dealerships continue to seek a better balance between revenue generated by hardware sales and service. This mindset is reflected in a continuing trend toward a more balanced breakdown of precision revenue sources in the seventh annual Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark study.
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[Technology Corner] Precision Revenue Trending Upward

If the ag industry has taught precision farming dealers anything during the last few years, it’s that no longer can they rely on singular sales of hardware and expect to grow business. For some, this has been a hard lesson learned. But the evolving market has allowed adaptable dealers to capitalize on changing technology priorities among their farm customers.
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[Technology Corner] Best Precision Bets 2018

While we officially welcomed the new year this week, dealers began preparing for 2018 long before flipping the calendar to January. This includes forecasting the most promising precision technologies to increase revenue in the coming year. Precision Farming Dealer recently asked dealers to identify their best precision bets, and the results ranged from expanding service offerings to new product lines.  
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[Technology Corner] Dealers Forecast Precision Revenue Rebound

It’s been a challenging few years for many precision farming dealers navigating the instability of the commodities market and cautious purchasing habits of customers. But the results of this year’s recently published fifth annual Precision Farming Dealer benchmark study signal an optimistic shift in retailers’ revenue expectations and business objectives compared to recent years.
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[Podcast] A Colorblind Approach to Solving Compatibility Problems

In this episode of the Precision Farming Dealer podcast, brought to you by Farmers Edge, Dustin Christofferson, precision specialist, and Jon Bickel, owner of Used Precision Ag Solutions, share examples of their mix-and-match approach to overcoming compatibility obstacles and how it has provided a competitive edge for each of their businesses.
In this episode of the Precision Farming Dealer podcast, brought to you by Farmers Edge, Dustin Christofferson, precision specialist, and Jon Bickel, owner of Used Precision Ag Solutions, share examples of their mix-and-match approach to overcoming compatibility obstacles and how it has provided a competitive edge for each of their businesses.
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Roundtable Q&A

What Areas Hold the Most Promise to Increase Revenue in the Coming Year?

Despite the decline in large farm equipment sales, the four precision ag dealers Precision Farming Dealer interviewed are still optimistic for the year to come. They discussed their dealerships’ training programs, how they’re creating a balance between hardware sales and service and what they expect to be the greatest opportunities for increased revenue in the year ahead, as well as any barriers that may stand in the way.
What areas of precision hold the most promise to increase revenue in the coming year and what obstacles present the greatest barriers?
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[Webinar] Turning Precision Service Into Profit: Successful Strategies for Dealers

For most dealerships, the backbone of their precision farming business is hardware sales. But as more technology comes standard on farm equipment, and the market becomes increasingly saturated, dealers are realizing the need to diversify their precision business to remain profitable. [To view any of our webinar replays, you must be logged in with a free user account.]
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Precision Farming Dealer

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  • Precision Performance Via Fast-Tracked Training, Phone Support & On-the-Farm Equipment
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